Monday, December 3, 2007

Case Study2

1.)Why did the IT group at Royal Caribbean have such poor performance and business status in the company?
Because,the IT goup at Royal Caribbean was a very tradidional organization:command and control.It was a traditional 70's data processing shop.

2.)What are the top three factors in Tom Murphy's turnaround of the IT fucntion at Royal Caribbean?Explain the reason for your choices.
Three top factors in Tom Murphy turnaround of the IT fucntion at Royal Caribbean are communication, metrics and time and respect...My choice is communication because its very important in a business to have a communication all the time to everybody.Communicating to everyone what's the status of business.

3.)Visit the website of Royal Caribbean.Evaluate the effectiveness to attract and serve the travel needs of customers and prospective customers.What could be improved?Outline the business of your idea.
Royal Caribbean website so improved and great because we can see their website a reservation and easy to find out;like passport reqirements,drinking age requirements,preservation page,shore and land excursions,online check-in and also any date range,destination,departure port,ship and there's a lot more.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

case study 1

1.) How well is IT supporting the business goals of BellSouth?Explain..
IT supporting the BellSouth goals to make a lower cost,better and faster communication to the customers/subscriber as well as the business operation.Through IT the BellSouth broadband customers had grown up to 90 percent of customers because of high-speed internet. IT operating and supporting also in nine states service.And now,BellSouth broadband decrease 50 percent in per-subscriber ordering costs because the system supports more customers at a lower cost than the previous one and captures more customer information.

2.)Is BellSouth technology transfer map of good way to determine IT investments priorities?Why or why not?
Yes, because it developed by business units presidents, the road map identities and prioritizes"leverageable" system, as those that the business need to run and enhance their revenue generating operation and therefore of highest priority for IT development."Nonleverageable"system by contrast are more traditional "legacy" system earmarked for retirement in the near future.

3)What else could BellSouth do to guarantee the strategic business value of potenial IT investment project?Visit their website for idea.Defend your proposal.
It gave new subcribers the ability to use BellSouth to order and even to install the software they would need to get up and running the new ADSL "Fast Access" high-speed Internet service.